
A Successful Off-Market Sale at 5 Mandy Street in Wishart

Successful Off Market Sale

You probably haven’t heard of 5 Mandy Street in Wishart, but it’s a lovely 1980’s home with four bedrooms and two bathrooms that we have just sold! You may not have heard of it because we sold it off-market. This is the term used to describe when we sell a property without advertising it publicly….Read More→

8 Fair Street, Wishart, Sold off Market

off market sale

There are a number of different ways to sell a home. The path you take with your sale depends on your situation and what works best for you. This is your journey, and The Henry Wong Team® is here to advise you, guide you and help make it as successful as possible for you. So…Read More→

Selling Your Property Off Market

When you sell your home off-market, you don’t use and traditional advertising channels. This type of sale certainly has its place in the market and in this real estate vlog Henry discusses the pros and cons of going down this route. “Hi I’m Henry from Remax. We’re here today to talk about selling off market….Read More→