

How to Check a Schools Ranking

The Better Education website helpfully ranks all the schools around Australia. This is especially useful when a family moves home...

How to Research a School

If you’re moving homes with your family, one of the first things you’ll want to do is know how to...

How to Figure Out School Holiday and Term Dates

Need help keeping track of the school terms? Here’s how to figure out school holiday and term dates. Use this...

How to Calculate Due Dates in Real Estate

Worried about how to calculate due dates in real estate transactions? Don’t be, here Henry shows you a way to...

How to Calculate Drive or Walk Time from a House

Need to figure out how long it’ll take you to walk or drive somewhere? Henry’s got a tip on how...

Take Advice from People Who Practice What They Preach

In business and in life, you need to take on board lessons and guidance from people around you. According to...

How to Buy a Property At Auction

Auctions are becoming more popular around Australia as a means of selling a home. So there’s a fair chance that...

How Much Should I Offer?

You’ve found the home you really love. It ticks a lot of your boxes, and you want to put an...

How Do I Know I’m Right?

How can you tell if you’re on the right path in life and business? Specific measurables are useful in judging...

Preparing to Buy a Property

If you’re looking at buying a property in the near future, there’s a lot of preparation you can do beforehand...

Don’t Take Advice From Losers

If you want to progress and progress, you need to follow the lead of those who have succeeded in what...

Five Questions You HAVE to Ask When Buying a Property

When you’re buying a home, you need to get as much information out of the agent as possible. In this...